Sell or Lease Your Commercial Property With Southwest Florida’s Trusted Experts!

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Ready to list? Contact us now!
Our Recent Commercial Real Estate Successes
What Our Clients Are Saying
“I recently had the pleasure of working with Adam to sell a commercial property, and I couldn't be more satisfied with the experience. From start to finish, Adam was professional, knowledgeable, and always accessible. He took the time to understand my needs and provided valuable insights that helped me make informed decisions throughout the process.
Adam’s attention to detail and commitment to getting the best deal were evident at every step. He handled all negotiations with expertise and integrity. Thanks to his efforts, the property sold quickly.
If you’re looking for a reliable and skilled real estate agent for your commercial property needs, I highly recommend Adam. His dedication and professionalism make him an exceptional choice!”
— Sam Patel
“Worked with Brian on the purchase of a property whom I met through the seller. The sale was seamless and everything was explained thoroughly up front. He provided some info on leasing during the sale and we utilized his knowledge and expertise to help find a tenant after the closing. That process went almost exactly like he had explained prior to the closing and there was no lost time waiting on leasing. Whenever there was a question I had or a concern, he was readily available and willing to spend time discussing the options and providing his professional opinion. His experience in the commercial real estate field is top notch and I would highly recommend him and his company should you ever need assistance with commercial real estate.”
— Ryan Dalton
“I've known Adam Doak and the Seidel family personally and professionally for years, and have had the pleasure of working with all of them in one capacity or other on many real estate transactions. I am a lawyer, and I do a lot of work in real estate transactions. I've never known any member of the APG team to be any less than excellent, both in conduct and professional ethics, and in the performance of their work on behalf of their clients. In recent years, I've been lucky to have Adam Doak handle a number of personal transactions for me and my wife and he has done a stellar job with each. I highly recommend consulting Adam or any of his colleagues at APG if you are looking for a property in our area, or if you are planning to list your property for sale.”
— Eric Hoonhout
Your Trusted Commercial Experts
At American Property Group of Sarasota, we specialize in helping property owners like you sell or lease their commercial real estate quickly and profitably. With decades of experience in Sarasota, Manatee, and Charlotte counties, we understand the market dynamics and provide unparalleled service for all property types, including retail, office, medical, and industrial spaces.